You need oxygen to make gunpowder burn. OH.MY.GODDDDD 🤯

yes, it’s a mom- blog, but mothers g is hard and human and full of so much - pain, growth, exhaustion. All the heart-exploding stuff. I am so excited to read it.

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And more importantly... it's a blog about how we re-mother ourselves, if we're lucky. Frankly, these kids are just pawns in my self-actualization :)

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Bwahahahahaaaaa yes. To quote slash translate from my father in law’s Arabic, ‘children raise us’

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That's it, exactly.

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Jul 4Liked by Isabel Cowles Murphy

Yep. Yep yep yep this will be the writing that fills my cup with every passing season

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Truly, thanks. And truly, same.

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Jul 4Liked by Isabel Cowles Murphy

“This is the work of a lifetime” THIS! This is the stuff. I love your new logo. It feels more personal, like I’m arriving at your doorstep and you’re welcoming me with open arms and that brilliant lit up heart is saying, “We’ve been waiting for you.”

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Oh my gosh, I am so glad that's how it hit you. Just a warm, sulfur-scented embrace at my cyber doorstep.

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Jul 6Liked by Isabel Cowles Murphy

Catholic iconography is burned into my being as cozy and welcoming. Sacred hearts forever ❤️‍🔥

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6Liked by Isabel Cowles Murphy

Not that anything about your logo is Catholic btw!!! It’s just where my insides go when I see lines coming out of a heart.

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Oh, it is TOTALLY Catholic. I can't shake that deep learning. Sacred hearts forever. Just... with some punk and sass.

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Jul 4Liked by Isabel Cowles Murphy

"now that he has no body, the love passes between us like liquid gold. " i have experienced the same thing since my father's passing. <3

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Thank you, Elizabeth for letting me know! I can't wait to explore this feeling, especially now that I know I'm not alone :)

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by Isabel Cowles Murphy

Boom boom boom 💥 Greatness is ahead!!!

I can’t FREAKING wait!

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Jul 4Liked by Isabel Cowles Murphy

This feels…right. Idk how else to say it. But an exploding heart is an open heart with the power to heal many. Thank you Isabel for your bravery🧨❤️‍🔥🧨

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It is easy to be brave when I feel so generously received. Thank YOU!

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Jul 4Liked by Isabel Cowles Murphy

Loving the new imagery! Powerful. Looking forward to reading your words as they unfold. Have a beautiful summer xxx

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Thank you, Lauren. And also: PODCAST, yes please!

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Jul 6Liked by Isabel Cowles Murphy

Oh yes yes!!! It’s a bit on pause for the summer but planning a revival in the autumn. Xx

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That sounds exactly right.

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Jul 4Liked by Isabel Cowles Murphy

Rotten heart. I always think of what you do: compost the flowers that expire on your kitchen table. Composting heart. May we all be as free as you are!

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Oh my goodness! Can you believe I've never made that connection, even though I marvel at the beauty of my wilting flowers every single day? I even love the way the big compost barrel smells, sour and filled with life, that edge where decomposition becomes something so rich and new.

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We are all ultimately compost.

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Jul 4Liked by Isabel Cowles Murphy

Love the energy live-wire sparking out in this Post. Cheers to commissioning the artwork and finding the electric pulse for your next chapter. 🧨

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I wish I had your graphic talents!! Then again, it's also extremely fun to work with another artist and see what comes forth. It was such a treat to watch an idea take form when passed between two imaginations.

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Looking forward to those topics, Isabel. Happy Fourth!

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Thank you, David! I so appreciate your support.

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Jul 6Liked by Isabel Cowles Murphy

Isabel! I missed reading your beautiful pieces. They always intertwine poetry and pragmatism. Your feet are on the ground, your head among the stars. Our heart can go through so much. It can crack, splinter, and even explode, but it is filled with an extraordinary capacity for regeneration. It comes back stronger, it even strengthens in pain. Thank you for this text through which one senses your exultation, but also the experiences you are eager to share, through your wonderful writing.

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HOORAY! So glad you are here. I am always so grateful for your reflections and insights. Glad to be on this journey of regeneration with you, even with the miles between us!

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Isabel, looking forward excitedly to your aftermaths. xo

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MY AFTERMATHS! Gosh I wish I'd said that myself.

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Jul 4Liked by Isabel Cowles Murphy

Happy Fireworks 🤩🤩😍🤠

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And to you, Eric!! Looking forward to more Santa Fe musings soon!

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Thanks, Isabel!!!! Have u seen my other Substack: https://erictrules.substack.com ?

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Jul 4Liked by Isabel Cowles Murphy

I can't wait Isabel, but I will enjoy the anticipation.

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That's exactly how I feel!!! So glad to have you here.

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Jul 4Liked by Isabel Cowles Murphy

WOW! 💣💥 Count me IN!

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Beth, THANK YOU! I'm so glad you're here with me!!

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